WSBU is dedicated to improving the Wisconsin economic climate for its residents and its small businesses by:
Supporting public policy initiatives such as reducing the amount of government regulation
lowering taxes
Increasing job growth and hiring
Opposing legislation and policies that impose burdens on state residents and small businesses
Frequently Asked Questions
If I contribute to WSBU, will my contribution be publicly disclosed?
No. Donations to WSBU are not subject to state or federal campaign finance source restrictions or contribution limits. Accordingly, donations to WSBU are accepted in any amount from individuals, corporations, labor organizations and tribes. Each year, WSBU is required to provide certain financial information to the Internal Revenue Service about its donations and expenditures. However, under current law, specific identifying information on each of WSBU’s donors is not publicly disclosed.
What does WSBU do?
WSBU regularly monitors legislative and regulatory activities in Wisconsin and takes positions on a variety of public policy matters.
As part of these direct and grassroots efforts, WSBU often provides information to the general public on issues and policies that may be associated with a public official or candidate. All of these activities are done in support of WSBU’s advocacy efforts.
Is my donation tax deductible?
No. Donations to WSBU are attributed 100 percent to lobbying and political expenses as defined in the Internal Revenue Code and are not deductible as an ordinary or necessary business expense. These donations are also not deductible as charitable contributions. For guidance on these and other tax matters, you should consult your tax advisor.